

D.H. Lawrence Society of North America

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Officers, Financial Reports, ByLaws & Voting Information


Organizational Timeline

It's recommended for all Officers to mark these important functions (particularly those relating to their positions)
in their own electronic calendars to help keep our organization running smoothly.  It's also advisable for new incoming officers to read the Bylaws and to familiarize themselves with the various pages of our website, as well as, creating a dedicated mail folder for "DHLSNA" correspondence.

*  January:  Membership Renewal Prep:  Roster highlighted, auto-receipt and Successful Payment page edited with New Password, Bravenet Form CC edits (when required due to officer turn-over).
Membership Renewal Period:  Reminders sent out weekly and payments processed by updating the Roster, Listserv, and Directory.
MLA Lawrence Panel and Annual Business Zoom Meeting (ABM):
Minutes & Financial Reports prepared, conf. themes & Happy Hour speakers lined up, Officer Page/History Page post-election Web-edits & DHLR editor report

*  February:  Late Renewal Reminders sent out to regular/long-time members, Directory Password Change (Bravenet edit), and future Award Members Contacted

*  Springtime:  Post all approved Business Reports (Financial and ABM minutes--required transparency for NonProfit status) to Officer & Bylaws page, Update Database/Email List with new member info and culling lapsed members, & then Spring Newsletter gets Sent Out, possible Conference preparations.

*  Summertime:  Conferences (CCILC meets on Intl. Conf. years) & Calls for Award Nominations (1 year out).

*  Fall:  Recruiting and approving Officer Slates & Requesting Bios, Current Award Judging, 2nd Update of Database/Email List & then Fall Newsletter Sent Out

*  November:  Review Bylaws (any amendments must be voted on by the general membership) & Create Survey-Monkey Ballot for annual membership voting, Post Voter Info on Officer's Page (to be transitioned after election).

*  December:  Voting for Officer Slate/Executive Committee & Any Bylaw Amendments--Ballot Links sent to the membership via listserv (Election ending Dec. 31st, and Bylaws reviewed at least every other year)  All past and current approved Bylaw amendments must also be posted to the Officer page--required for NonProfit status) thus creating a transparent history of Bylaw evolution.

Current Officers

Ronald Granofsky (McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario), President
Adam Parkes (University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia), Past-President
Benjamin Hagen (University of South Dakota, Vermillion), President Elect/Vice President

Tonya Krouse (Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, Kentucky), Secretary & Directory Editor
Julianne Newmark (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico), Listserv Moderator & Archivist/Social Media Coordinator
Buxi Duan, Assistant Social Media Coordinator/Newsletter Editor

Holly Laird (University of Tulsa, OK), Treasurer
Frances Rowbottom (Heriot-Watt University, Scotland), Webmaster

Tina Ferris (Diamond Bar, CA), Trainer 

See Bios and Job Descriptions


Members of the Executive Committee


Elected 2023-2025

Bridget Chalk (Manhattan College)
Fiona Fleming (Paris Nanterre University)
Irena Yamboliev (Stanford University)


Elected 2024-2026

Patricia Leary (Artist and Independent Lawrence Devotee)
Emma Julieta Barreiro (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)


Susan Reid

See Bios and Job Descriptions


International Conference Executive Directors

Co-Directors of the 16th International D. H. Lawrence Conference (Mexico City, Mexico in 2025)

Julianne Newmark, Ben Hagen, Emma Julieta Barreiro, and Adam Parks

Co-Directors of the 15th International D.H. Lawrence Conference (Taos, NM in 2021-22)

Holly Laird and Nanette Norris

Director of the 14th International Lawrence Conference (London, England in 2017)
Catherine Brown

Co-Directors of the 13th International Lawrence Conference (Gargnano, Italy in 2014)
Paul Poplawski, Simonetta de Filippis and Stefania Michelucci, Co-Executive Directors
Jill Franks, Academic Director

Co-Directors of the 12th International Lawrence Conference (Sydney, Australia in 2011)
Nancy Paxton and David Game 


Society Contact:

Ronald Granofsky, President

McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario

66 Pine Crescent
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M4E 1L4

(*Society Contact Info must be displayed for Non-Profit Status)

DHLSNA Business Reports

(*All Financial Reports must be displayed for Non-Profit Status.
See link at bottom of table for accountant approved Financial Report Template.)

Yearly Financial ReportsMLA/DHLSNA Business Meeting Minutes
2023 Financial Report - Prepared by Nanette Norris 
2022 Financial Report - Prepared by Andrew Keese 
2021 Financial Report - Prepared by Andrew Keese2021 Business Meeting Minutes
2020 Financial Report - Prepared by Andrew Keese

2020 Business Meeting Minutes

2019 Financial Report - Prepared by Andrew Keese & Nanette Norris2019 Business Meeting Minutes
2018 Financial Report - Prepared by Nanette Norris2018 Business Meeting Minutes
2017 Financial Report - Prepared by Nanette Norris2017 Business Meeting Minutes
2016 Financial Report - Prepared by Matthew Leone & Nanette Norris 2016 Business Meeting Minutes
2015 Financial Report - Prepared by Matthew Leone2015 Business Meeting Minutes
2014 Financial Report - Prepared by Joyce Wexler2014 Business Meeting Minutes
2013 Financial Report - Prepared by Joyce Wexler2013 Business Meeting Minutes
2012 Financial Report - Prepared by Joyce Wexler2012 Business Meeting Minutes
2011 Financial Report - Prepared by Joyce Wexler2011 Business Meeting Minutes
2010 Financial Report - Prepared by Carrie Rohman 
Sample Financial Report Template



By-Laws and Articles of Organization of the DHLSNA

(*Current and Past By-Laws must be displayed for Non-profit Status)


Voting Information 

*Note:  The election of the President-Elect, Archivist/Social Media Coordinator, Newsletter Editor, Assistant Webmaster, and Listserv Moderator will occur in even-numbered years, along with any Executive Committee Members whose terms have expired.  The elections of the Treasurer/Directory Editor, Webmaster, and the Secretary will occur in odd-numbered years, along with any of Executive Committee Members whose terms have expired.  If, however, an officer vacancy occurs in a staggered year, that position will simply be added to the immediately upcoming annual ballot, with the expectation that the elected official would attempt to serve a three-year term to re-establish the election schedule. 

(*Voting Slates will be added below in the Fall and deleted in January, but the above Heading and Note remain)

Nominee Bios:




Current Officer Job Descriptions and Bios

  • Positions extend two years with the exception of the Vice President, who automatically becomes President at the end of two year's time. Some positions allow multiple terms. Nominations and short bios can be sent to the President.


Current DHLSNA Officers were elected
to the following positions:


The President is the chief executive officer of the Society and presides at all meetings of the Society and of the Executive Committee (electronic and otherwise), co-chairs annual MLA sessions, represents the Society to other organizations as well as to the public and to CCILC, collaborates with the Webmaster/s on overall planning for (and coordinating of updates to) the Society website, and provides leadership for the Society in all of its activities.  The President also writes the letter that opens each issue of the newsletter, as well as a summary of nominations (with brief bios of each nominee), proposed by-laws changes, and any other important election information in the fall newsletter issue.

Transitioned (2023-2025):

  • Ron Granofsky is Professor Emeritus in the Department of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He is the author of The Trauma Novel (1995), D. H. Lawrence and Survival (2003), and D.H. Lawrence and Attachment (2022), as well as numerous articles or book chapters on Lawrence and other twentieth-century writers, the latest being the chapter “Class” in  D. H. Lawrence in Context, edited by Andrew Harrison (2018).  Also Granofsky served as book review editor at the D.H. Lawrence Review (2008-2021).


Vice President (to become President in two years on January 1)

The President-Elect, in addition to serving as requested by the President or by the Executive Committee, serves as liaison to the Modern Language Association and MLA Program Chair, issuing a call for papers and submitting timely proposals for DHLSNA annual sessions as an Allied Organization of MLA. The President-Elect shall also organize the annual virtual conference each spring, supplying the Webmaster/Assistant Webmaster with time-sensitive information about upcoming MLA sessions and calls for papers.

Elected (2023-2025):

  • Benjamin Hagen is Associate Professor of English at the University of South Dakota. He is the editor of Woolf Studies Annual and author of The Sensuous Pedagogies of Virginia Woolf and D.H. Lawrence (Clemson UP, 2020), a co-winner of the 2022 DHLSNA Biennial Award to a Newly Published Scholar in Lawrence Studies. His research has appeared in the journals Age, Culture, Humanities; Comparative Critical Studies; Modernism/modernity; PMLA; Twentieth-Century Literature; and Virginia Woolf Miscellany, as well as in book collections focused on Virginia Woolf, the Bloomsbury Group, and Louise DeSalvo. In addition to current research on Woolf’s use of soliloquy and her critical insight into the value of libraries and reading, he is at work on a new monograph, Finding Love in Literary Studies. He currently serves as president of the International Virginia Woolf Society. 


Past President

The Past President is responsible each year for collaborating with the President and President-Elect to solicit nominations for Executive Committee members/officers as needed; for submitting the proposed slate to the Executive for approval; for obtaining a brief biography from each candidate; for providing the full slate with biographies to the Webmaster/s and the Newsletter Editor; for preparing a ballot and conducting electronic elections during December of each year. The Past President may serve in additional ways as requested by the President or by the Executive Committee.

Transitioned (2023-2025):

  • Adam Parkes is Professor of English at the University of Georgia, where he has taught since 1993.  Previously he studied at the University of Rochester (Ph.D, 1993) and Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge (B.A., 1988).  His publications include Modernism and the Theater of Censorship (Oxford UP, 1996), which features two chapters on Lawrence, and A Sense of Shock: The Impact of Impressionism on Modern British and Irish Writing (Oxford UP, 2011).  His new book, Modernism and the Aristocracy: Monsters of English Privilege, which is due out from Oxford this summer, discusses Lawrence (together with Huxley, Waugh, Bowen, and others) in connection with stupidity and intelligence, cruelty and kindness, and country-house nostalgia.


Secretary and Directory Editor

Secretary:  Keeps minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee, reports to the newsletter on the Society’s panels at the Modern Language Association convention each year and collaborates with the Webmaster/s to maintain both online and hardcopy archives of the history, activities, and decisions of the Executive Committee and the membership. In particular, each January the Secretary gives the Webmaster/s a list of the Lawrence panel papers (titles and authors) presented at MLA; the Secretary also insures, as required by our non-profit status, that an accurate record of all existing versions of DHLSNA by-laws are posted on the DHLSNA website. As directed by the President and the Executive, the Secretary will coordinate the drafting of any necessary updates/changes to the by-laws in any given year and will submit clean copy of any proposed amendments no later than October to allow the President sufficient time to produce a summary of them for the Fall newsletter and for the December ballot. After the December election, the Secretary will incorporate any amendments approved by the membership into a clean, updated current version of the by-laws for posting on the DHLSNA website.

Directory Editor: The Directory Editor shall maintain and regularly back-up an accurate database (Microsoft Access) of members, with the membership status of each and with contact information and current DHL projects updated as needed from annual or biennial membership forms; once a year (usually in May) and send a current electronic printout of this directory to the Webmaster/Assistant Webmaster for posting in the members-only section of the Society’s website. The Directory Editor will make sure that the Listserv Moderator receives the full name and all current email address(es) of each new and renewing member as they join or renew so they can be added to the listserv in a timely way (coordination should be at least twice a year prior to the newsletter dispersal).

Term:  Jan. 2021-Dec. 2023, renewable

  • Tonya Krouse is a Professor of English at Northern Kentucky University and serves as Core Faculty of the NKU Honors College.  She teaches courses in modern and contemporary British literature, literary criticism and theory, gender and sexuality in literature, and composition, as well as interdisciplinary courses in the Honors College. Her publications include articles on Doris Lessing and Virginia Woolf, as well as the book, The Opposite of Desire: Sex and Pleasure in the Modernist Novel (Lexington Books, 2009). She has also co-authored the textbook Introducing English Studies (2020), which targets courses introducing students to the major in English and offers a broad overview of the different fields of the discipline, including literary studies, cinema studies, rhetoric and composition, creative writing, and more. Her current scholarly book project is provisionally titled The Magnetism of D.H. Lawrence, and explores Lawrence’s vexed position in the twenty-first-century canon in relation to his ongoing influence on contemporary authors.



The Treasurer maintains the financial, banking, and membership records of the Society, sends out membership dues reminders via the listserv in December, oversees the PayPal/bank account that allows for payment of dues and conference registration fees online, issues checks and deposits funds on behalf of the Society, and provides a one-page summary financial statement for the Executive Committee upon request (minimally once a year at the business meeting at MLA). The Treasurer ensures that the Society's non-profit tax-exempt status (501c) is maintained by filing a short tax return each April and supplying the Webmaster with an electronic copy of this return, along with the annual financial statement, to be posted on the Society's website.

  • Holly A. Laird, Frances W. O’Hornett Professor of Literature at the University of Tulsa, has authored Self and Sequence: The Poetry of D. H. Lawrence; Women Coauthors, a study of collaborative writing from the Victorian period to 1999; and numerous essays on D. H. Lawrence and other Modern and Victorian writers.  She is Guest Co-Editor of « The Poems, » JDHLS (15.3), and Guest Editor of « The Poetry of D. H. Lawrence », DHLR (40.2).  She served the DHLSNA in earlier years as Vice President, President, and Past President as well as executive board member. She is Co-Editor (with Leigh Wilson) of Contemporary Women’s Writing (Oxford); Co-Lead Transcription Editor for the Online Michael Field Diaries; and Editor of Palgrave’s The History of British Women’s Writing, vol. 7, 1880-1920.


Newsletter Editor

The Newsletter Editor is responsible for collecting information and then publishing and distributing a newsletter to all members of the Society at least two times a year. The newsletter will be distributed electronically to members via the DHLSNA listserv to reduce waste and Society expense. After distribution via the listserv, the newsletter will be posted online in the Members Only section of the website. Within one year of its publication, each issue of the newsletter will be posted online as part of a continuous archive of past newsletters (maintained by the Archivist) and available to the public.

  • Buxi Duan is a final-year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Birmingham, writing about D. H. Lawrence’s late engagement with the journalistic marketplace. Drawing upon archival studies, his research aims to contextualise Lawrence’s underexplored journalistic writings within the context of his works in other genres, highlighting the continuity of ideas across these diverse forms. He has published essays and articles in English Studies and The Modernist Review. He actively promotes research and events related to Lawrence on social media platforms in his role as the society’s assistant social media coordinator. Additionally, he serves as the online editor of the Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies and is the founder of the project “Mapping D. H. Lawrence”.



The Webmaster maintains the Society’s webpages under the direction of the President and (along with the Treasurer) will ensure that the domain name “” and Bravenet Webhost services are renewed when necessary.  This position may be shared between two members, elected in alternating years to ensure continuity.  The Webmaster and Assistant Webmaster will update the DHLSNA website as needed including the following (with responsibilities for various webpages to be determined between them): bios of current officers/Executive Committee members; a continually updated roster of current members (with expired members highlighted in yellow as soon after January first as possible); nomination and election announcements; online forms for membership dues payment (to be tested before annual membership renewals in coordination with the Treasurer/Financial Officer); posting of organizational information required by the IRS (such as current by-laws, an approved application for tax-exempt status, the annual tax return, and the most recent financial report); history pages; calls for papers on Lawrence, as well as information on upcoming Lawrence sessions at MLA and Lawrence conferences; CCILC pages and award pages to be updated after every International conference; an online, password-protected directory of current Society members (to be supplied each April by the Treasurer/Directory Editor after cross-checking against the online roster of current members); the two most recent Society newsletters (also password-protected in the Members Only section); links to the public Society archive of newsletters more than one year old; a memorial list of past members and Lawrence scholars; and an Officer Guide page, detailing how the website and paypal operations function and coordinate with the other officers; as well as such other links/pages of interest to Lawrence scholars as the Society may deem useful. The Webmaster and Assistant Webmaster depend on the vigilance of other Society officers and Executive Committee members to keep the website current and accurate. Whenever more than regular maintenance or updating of the DHLSNA webpages is required—such as the creation of a new website (as for a conference) or a major overhaul/re-creation of the current DHLSNA website--the Webmaster and Assistant Webmaster shall be compensated fairly by the Society for the additional labor.
Elected (2021-2023, Training New Webmaster in 2024):​ 
  • Tina Ferris, who currently lives in Southern California, earned a data processing certificate from Canal Zone College, Panama, CZ, and an English degree from the University of Alabama in Huntsville (1983).  She was an active member and co-moderator of the Rananim Society email discussion listserve from 1997-2018 and has published several poems in the DHLR and DHLSNA Newsletter.  She is coauthor, with Dr. Virginia Hyde (WSU), of the successful National Historic Register nomination for the D.H. Lawrence Ranch near Taos, NM (1998-2004). In 2005 she presented a paper at the 10th International Lawrence Conference (Santa Fe, NM), that was later published as "'White Wonderful Demons':  Lawrence and the Heroic Age of Polar Exploration" in "Terra Incognita":  D.H. Lawrence at the Frontiers (2010) and abridged in Shackleton's James Caird Society Journal (No. 3, 2007).  Other essays include:  "D.H. Lawrence and 'The Machine Incarnate':  Robots Among the 'Nettles'" in D.H. Lawrence, Technology, and Modernity (2019) and "'Surgeon Me Sound':  Playing Doctor Under the Yew Tree" in JDHLS (Vol 5.3, 2020).  She designed and became webmaster of the DHLSNA website in 2010 and assisted with e-registrations and webpages for both the 2011 Australia and 2014 Gargnano International Lawrence Conferences.


New Webmaster  (2024)

  • Frances Rowbottom recently graduated from her PhD in American Literature at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Frances now works in a new role as Postgraduate Student Advisor at Heriot-Watt University. She has engaged with D. H. Lawrence throughout her research, including presenting at the most recent Modern Language Association Conference in Philadelphia, on the subject of emotion in Women in Love and 'Eloi Eloi Lama Sabachthani.' Frances is Editor for the United States Studies Online journal, and her work around teaching American Literature is forthcoming in an MLA volume in 2025.

Archivist/Social Media & Listserv Moderator 

Society Archivist/Social Media Coordinator:  maintains both the public online archive of past newsletters and the Society’s electronic social media, including its Facebook page and Twitter account, for publicizing Lawrence-related events and conferences. The Archivist will post each newsletter to the archive when it is one year old and the relevant subsequent newsletter (the Fall or Spring issue) has been distributed to members electronically. The Archivist will notify the Webmaster/ Assistant Webmaster as soon as each issue is posted so members can be alerted to new additions to the online archive. If users of the archive encounter problems (a missing page or issue, pages posted upside- down, mislabeled items, difficulty opening a file), they should email the Society Archivist/Social Media Coordinator directly for assistance.

  • Buxi Duan is a final-year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Birmingham, writing about D. H. Lawrence’s late engagement with the journalistic marketplace. Drawing upon archival studies, his research aims to contextualise Lawrence’s underexplored journalistic writings within the context of his works in other genres, highlighting the continuity of ideas across these diverse forms. He has published essays and articles in English Studies and The Modernist Review. He actively promotes research and events related to Lawrence on social media platforms in his role as the society’s assistant social media coordinator. Additionally, he serves as the online editor of the Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies and is the founder of the project “Mapping D. H. Lawrence”.

Listserv Moderator:  oversees the Society’s listserv, collaborating with the Treasurer, Directory Editor, and the Webmaster/s to maintain the current and accurate email list of members necessary for electronic elections and for newsletter distribution. Only dues-paying members are entered into the listserv: members can neither subscribe nor unsubscribe themselves. The Listserv Moderator guarantees that the incoming, outgoing, and current President of the DHLSNA will have full posting rights to the listserv; will consult with the President about any unsolicited or accidental posts from members being approved; will discard spam posts and subscription attempts from non-members; and consults with the current President about any changes to automatic messages sent out from the listserv to new, renewing, or non-renewing members. The DHLSNA listserv is a moderated list, not an open discussion list, with a high value placed on distributing only those emails crucial to a majority of DHLSNA members and/or to the efficient running of the Society, such as the yearly AGM announcement or Call for Papers

Elected (2020-2025):

  • Julianne Newmark teaches at the University of New Mexico and has been an Officer of the DHLSNA since 2005. She has written many articles and book chapters focusing on D. H. Lawrence's New Mexico and Mexico writings. Her second book project, "Reports of Agency: Retrieving Indigenous Professional Communication in Dawes Era Indian Bureau Documents,” is underway. Her 2015 book The Pluralist Imagination from East to West in American Literature was published by University of Nebraska Press and featured a chapter of Lawrence and Willa Cather. Newmark is also the Editor-in-Chief of Xchanges, a Writing Studies ejournal.


Executive Committee Members  


  • Bridget Chalk (2023-2025) is Professor of English at Manhattan College, where she teaches modernism and twentieth- and twenty-first-century British and Anglophone literature. She is the author of Modernism and Mobility: The Passport and Cosmopolitan Experience (Palgrave 2014), as well as essays and reviews in Modernism/ModernityThe Journal of Modern LiteratureTwentieth-Century Literature, and other journals and essay collections. She is currently at work on a book project, Novel Schooling, about the relationship between education and narrative form from the Victorian period to the present. D.H. Lawrence has long been a central figure in her research, featured in chapters of both monographs and in published essays.
  • Fiona Fleming (2023-2025) is a Teaching Fellow at Paris Nanterre University. Her specific interests in Lawrence concern his nature writing within the scope of today’s “Green studies” and reflections on the Anthropocene; his travel essays and fiction in relation to the British Empire, theories of European degeneration, and post-colonialism; his relation to influential predecessors such as Thomas Carlyle and Thomas Hardy. She would also be interested in researching Lawrence’s involvement in the heliophile movement, his negative assessment of fashionable health resorts, but vibrant writing about seabathing and sunbathing trends.  She is a regular contributor to the journal Études Lawrenciennes and other international Lawrence-related journals. She has recently become co-director of the Paris Nanterre D. H. Lawrence Conference.
  • Irena Yamboliev (2023-2025) is a Lecturer at Stanford University. Her book manuscript, The Ornamental Real, shows the many and varied ways late-Victorian and modernist novelists used ornament to get at features of the real otherwise inaccessible. She has published articles on writers and thinkers interested in aesthetics, form, and cross-medium experiments, such as Algernon Swinburne, Christopher Dresser, and Vernon Lee. Her work on Lawrence focuses especially but not exclusively on his long and short fiction. In The Ornamental Real, she shows that Lawrence’s engagement with stained glass is central to the poetics and the metaphorics of The Rainbow, and makes him both Victorian and Medieval. Lawrence is central to her second book project, which considers how multigenerational novels model ecological thinking. Lawrence’s investment in spans of time dwarfing the bildungsroman, and his rendering of interactions with plants and non-sentient elements, make him a posthumanist before the term, an ecologist for the Anthropocene.
  • Patricia Leary (2024 - 2026), with a background in Fine Arts and Research Science, brings an eclectic experience to the Society. She is an artist who studied at Boston University School of Fine and Applied Arts, received a B.A. from the University of Maine in Zoology and has an M.A. in ESL. She worked in the National Scientific Research Institute in Villejuif, France (just outside Paris) in the cancer research laboratory of Dr. Ion Gresser for five years. She is a devoted Lawrencian and is particularly interested in Lawrence and his sense of place. To that end she has travelled to Taos and Santa Fe, New Mexico; to Taormina, Sicily; to Chapala, Mexico; and most recently to Zennor, on West Penwith, Cornwall.
  • Emma Julieta Barreiro (2024 - 2026) has been teaching since 2002 a range of English Literature courses (mostly 17 th , 19 th, and 20 th century) and Translation (English <> Spanish and English and German > Spanish) at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Her research and publications include comparative literature, cultural hermeneutics, translation studies, translations, transcultural representations in travel and exile literature of the early 20th century, as well as poetry and the intellectual and publishing networking between Europe and Mexico in the same period. She also does interdisciplinary research on representations of Mexico and of Mexican and American and European women in publications by German and English-speaking
    travelers in the early 20th Century.


